Capricorn season is the start of winter in the northern hemisphere. The funny thing with winter is that while it’s the coldest and darkest time of the year, the days actually start to get brighter and longer too.
I like to think about that when I’ve got the winter blues.
To celebrate the sun’s entry into a new zodiac sign, it’s always fun to do a little journaling session. Or whatever the time of the year is, if you’d like to explore some Capricorn energy those journaling prompts will guide you.
First, what is Capricorn about?
Capricorn is said to be hard working, serious, mature, committed and a little cold. Capricorn often feels melancholic. I talk more about the reasons behind the usual stereotypes on Capricorn in this blog post.
Capricorn is cardinal earth and they’re ruled by Saturn. They’re a slow, but deliberate and innovative sign. We don’t usually associate Capricorn with innovation.
Capricorn tends to be seen as the old, the traditions and all that’s already established. It’s twin sign, Aquarius has the privilege of being the sign who destroys the structure of Capricorn.
But in traditional astrology, Capricorn isn’t only the old. Capricorn is actually the present. But in the present we feel all relics of the past. Actually the past is never a relic. The past always stretches to the present moment.
Okay, I feel that I’m getting too in my head here. : )
I’m trying to get us into the mood and the mindset of Capricorn. Into this hopeful melancholia. Into this feeling that life is so short so we’ve got to live a good life.
Capricorn is the sadness that comes from realizing that all things end, as well as the wisdom of doing something worthwhile with our time.
I know this is a big journaling prompt, but hey, that’s the kind of questions Capricorn is all about. So here are the first two questions:
1. How would you like to spend your precious time in this life?
2. What is a good life for you?
Capricorn is very aware of what the social rules and norms are. They would want you to consider the folks around you. Think about 2 or 3 persons dear to your heart.
3. How are they living? What do you think makes their life feel fulfilling for them?
You can also contrast this with 2 or 3 persons you don’t admire much. Capricorn, thanks to grumpy Saturn, is quite the pessimistic sign. Capricorn is good at seeing the flaws in others, which in excess can be annoying, but a healthy dose of it is useful to understand yourself more.
Those persons you feel foolish and whose lifestyle you don’t get, they’re showing you what doesn’t work for you. They’re allowing you to look in the other direction, to realize sooner what is right for you.
4. What do you find foolish or like a waste of time?
If often think of, perhaps because I’m a very saturnian person, how I will be on my deathbed. If I ever reach this point in time where death comes gradually, what will be the thoughts on my last days? What will be the regrets and the last memories that bring me joy?
I know, I know, how gloomy. But it’s important, right?
They’re are quite a few articles on this, like, there was this nurse who asked patients who were over 90 years old what they’re life lessons where or stuff like that.
Often it’s…
a. I wish I had spent more quality time with my loved ones
b. I wish I hadn’t listened and worried so much about what others thought
c. I wish I had spent more time doing things I loved
d. I wish I had embraced authenticity and happiness more
I’ve only lived 1/3 of their life, so I’m still a brat, but I guess it’s easier to regret and see things clearly when it’s the end of your life. It’s easier said than done.
When you’re in the middle of it it feels like a storm. Or let’s be less dramatic, like a thick fog that dissolves sometimes to let the stars shine bright, and then settles in again for a few days.
It’s like when your loved one is about to leave for a few weeks or more. The last couple of days you cherish them so much more. You always know that they’re precious to you, but now you’re aware, actively, of how much you cherish them.
Because they’ll soon be gone.
The pressing presence of time makes it easier to be aware, present, loving and authentic.
5. What do you know that you cherish (but tend to take for granted)?
6. How can you bring more daily or weekly awareness to those things you cherish, and actively cherish them?
Cherish, cherish, cherish. It makes me think of the French word chérie. The people you chérie.
And here's the question floating behind all the previous ones:
7. How can you grow your relationship with time?
I find it strange that we don’t have more gods connected to time.
Do you take the time to revere time? To talk with time? To acknowledge it?
Not out of fear but, I don’t know, out of curiosity and just simply because time is inevitably here for everyone. It’s fine too to fear time. Time is scary.
8. What do you fear the most about time?
9. What do you love the most about time?
I didn’t expect to write such a somber journaling session XD but that’s the kind of seriousness Capricorn season is about.
Capricorn as the earth sign of Saturn is the time that we feel passing through our body. It's the decades of experiences that pile up until sixty year old persons seem oh so young, healthy and free.
But there's a bitter beauty to this. There's something, there's the root of everything in Time. An origin, a knowing that we can't quite grasp but we feel it in our bones.
I think Capricorn is a very beautiful sign. Beautiful in an awe inspiring way.
I hope you enjoyed those prompts and go to see how astrology is an amazing way to reflect and become more of aware of who we are and how we live.
Here's a little summary of all those journaling prompts.

Have a lovely Capricorn season,
Jin ♪