Hello, hello,
How are you doing?
Grab a cup of coffee or tea and make yourself comfortable, because today we're getting to know all about the sign of Cancer beyond the usual stereotypes.
Usually we hear stuff like, Cancer is the mother of the zodiac. Cancer is all about nurturing, about emotions and intimacy.
Cancer is kind of quiet and shy. Cancer prefers to stay in its own little nest.
But Cancer has a wild imagination and is great at knowing how others feel.
Well, is all that true?
Today, stay tuned to get to know all about the real Cancer.
If you’re more in the mood to watch rather than read, I’ve got a YT video of that post that you can see right here:
All About the Real Cancer
It’s actually really easy to get to know the “real” character of every sign, because there are only 3 things that make up what a sign is: its element, mode and ruling planet.
Of course, there are other stuff and details, because it’s astrology. There’s always more stuff in astrology, haha.
But the element, the mode and the planet are the foundations of what make a sign a sign.
So the plan is to go through those 3 foundations of Cancer and check out if they fit with its reputation,
1. The Element
There are 4 elements in astrology: fire, earth, air and water.
Cancer is the little crab, so of course it’s a water sign. And what you really need to know about the element of water it’s that it’s about emotions and bonding.
Water, like real water, is the idea of spreading everywhere and enveloping us in a quiet and peaceful blanket.
Okay, that sounds like trying to suffocate someone ^^''
So Cancer is all about feelings and connecting with other folks. This doesn’t mean Cancer can’t do other stuff. Like air stuff, I don’t know if you know about the air element, such as Gemini or Aquarius, but air is all about ideas and thinking.
Of course Cancer can think too.
But it being a water sign, water is it’s primary way of working. It’s what it tends towards to, unconsciously.
So that’s fair and swell. Water and Cancer make perfect sense since Cancer is all about taking care of others and building close knit groups.
Now let’s have a look at the mode.
2. The Mode
There are 3 modes in astrology: cardinal, fixed and mutable.
Actually each mode corresponds to a time in a season. Cardinal signs begin a season, fixed signs are the middle of a season and mutable signs are the end of a season.
If you know a bit your signs, Cancer begins with the summer solstice as it starts on the 21st of June, so it’s a a cardinal sign.
Cardinal signs have the qualities of the start of a season. They're fresh. They’re about creating something new, about beginnings and innovation.
This is a bit surprising for Cancer, because we tend to see it as kind of passive. As being more reactive than truly active.
Cancer is said to take care of others, so it’s “only” adapting to others. Read my words with a huge sarcasm on the "only."
The fact that Cancer is cardinal water deserves a moment of pause.
What does it mean for water to initiate something?
I guess that’s why Cancer is said to be the “mum” archetype. Because it acts even before anything happens.
Cancer prepares for something even before that something is needed or exists.
You don’t even crave some cookies until Cancer offers you some. And then you’re like, yeah, I did want some cookies.
This also means that Cancer is the one who initiates social bonds and groups.
I guess the mother archetype is very fitting in the sense that the mother is the original principle of life and human bonds.
If there's no mother, or let's get out of the binary and pretty reductive idea of mum or dad, and let's say no creator, and no sweet nest of intimacy.
I’m not saying that’s true as a scientifically or sociologically proven truth, but in the archetypal sense. You know what I mean…
The original bond, the primal intimacy is given by the nurturer. That’s cardinal water. That’s Cancer.
Again, this fits well with the stereotypes of Cancer. But what about its ruling planet?
3. Ruling Planet
Cancer is ruled by the Moon. Which is super fitting because the Moon is a very watery planet. Even people who don't know anything about astrology will already pick up the fact that the Moon is closer to water than say fire.
The Moon is also about emotions and this idea of a nest, of taking care of and of being taken care of.
The Moon is food, warmth and our emotional as well as physical well-being. But our most basic, animal like well-being.
It’s like this psychological theory that we need love and a sense of safety in order to develop “well” as babies.
So the Moon fits like a glove with the water part of Cancer.
And even though the Moon is very squishy, flowy and adaptable, so maybe more mutable than cardinal in a sense, it’s also very cardinal, because in traditional astrology, the Moon is the symbol of all earthly or material changes.
Because, well, just look at the sky. At night, in the sky, the Moon is the one thing that changes every single day.
It’s always at a different spot in the sky and it always looks different. The Moon loves change, even though there’s a pattern to it.
The Moon is the planet that initiates a new cycle. And that’s why it goes well with the cardinal energy of Cancer.
And here I’m being like, “wow, the Moon fits really well with the traits of Cancer.” But actually it’s the other way round.
It's the planets that give their attributes to the signs, not the other way round. That’s why we say ruling planet and not ruling sign.
The Moon is the boss of Cancer. A very nice boss, but still the boss.
Cancer just sticks to the rules of the Moon.
4. A Conclusion, kind of
I hate to admit it, probably because as a Cancer rising and a queer person I hoped I could avoid the nurturer stereotype of the Cancer, but the reputation of Cancer is sound. /-_-/
It works within the basic framework of the element, mode and planet.
Cancer is about emotions and bonding, so it’s good at knowing how others feel, and it wants to share a deep level of intimacy with others.
Cancer likes to have a certain amount of familiarity, because of the Moon which represents this familiar rhythm of life.
And also Cancer simply needs familiarity because you cannot create this deep intimate bond with someone without familiarity.
It takes time and repetition to trust someone. Except if you live something huge or extreme together…
So, okay, fine, I don’t like it, but we can keep the image of the creator or the nurturer for Cancer. It’s true, it fits. It fits well even, haha.
BUT, Cancer also has a more rock’n’roll image to it.
Because traditionally, the Moon also rules short trips and travels. It rules people who wonder without any ties.
Cancer actually has this very romantic vibe, as in the romantics of the 18th century who traveled through the woods and wrote poetry under moonlight.
The Moon is also eager to meet strangers and to go to mysterious places.
After all, the Moon also rules alcohol and being drunk, so shifting the usual state of being and consciousness.
The Moon is also divination, dreams and omens.
Because in ancient times, ah those ancient times, the Moon was a real mystery. Clearly tied to the rhythm of the sea, and even of the menstrual cycle, but at the same time still so distant and impenetrable.
So please, please, don’t think only of apple pies and sweet hugs when you think of Cancer.
Cancer is also that odd feeling of feeling well, at ease and at home somewhere, even though it’s your first time here. Or suddenly feeling like an outsider in the place you've alays called home.
Cancer is this longing for acceptance.
Cancer is the cozy cottage in the woods, but also the dark and eerie woods surrounding it.
Cancer is the holes of unknown in the familiar, as well as the familiar in the unknown. Am I being too dramatic? : )
Okay, I believe what I’m trying to say has been made clear enough.
One last word, now going back to the nurturer archetype of the Cancer, but please don’t hesitate to mess with it.
Because, okay, we think of a parent or a caregiver, but it can also be the bartender at your favorite place, who always has a friendly word for you as you grab a seat, and they serve you this perfect, nourishing yet refreshing beer.
That’s super Cancer too.
Here's a little summary of the key info on the sign of Cancer.

5. The End
Now if you feel as if the archetype of Cancer isn't quite right because it simply doesn't fit you. Or maybe your best-friend is a Cancer and you don't recognize them at all in what I've just told.
Well, the reason most probably can be found in the whole of your birth chart. Because in astrology we're never only one zodiac sign, but we're the whole of our birth chart, which includes the 12 signs.
Yes, we are a rich bundle of complexity and contradictions. And if you want to decipher all this by yourself, I've got an an astrology guide that will teach you how to read your birth chart in a straightforward and fun way. At least, I hope so.
And on that note, I’d like to offer a toast to all the Cancers here. And of course, to all the other zodiac signs.
Cheers to you! And I wish you a lovely day ♪
Jin the Wizard
thunder and coffee