Today let’s get to know the sign of Libra, truly, deeply, intimately...
Let’s go beyond the stereotypes!
Yes, yes, Libra is the scales. Libra is justice. Libra deeply cares about others. But too often to its own detriment.
Libra is known to be too soft, too nice, too much of a people pleaser.
They’ll just go with the flow to make everyone happy.
But is that truly what Libra is about?
Dear Libras, be you a Libra sun, moon, rising or perhaps a Libra stellium, tell me, tell us, are you like that?
Well, at the time I’m writing this post I sadly won’t be able to have any of your answers.
And personally I don’t have anything in Libra in my birth chart.
But still, I do have the sign of Libra. And let us all remember this, before making fun of another zodiac sign, that we all have a piece of all the 12 zodiac signs in us.
So if you’re mocking a sign, well, shame on you. XD
Moving on...
Today I want to peel the veneer of the Libra stereotypes.
I want to know if Libras really rise up to their reputation, or if that’s all a bunch of confused cats.
I want to know who Libras really are, according to astrology.
Will you dare to follow me?
Alright, before diving in, I wanted you to know that this post also has a video adaptation. So if you're more in the mood to watch rather than read, you can view it here:
All About Libra
There are only 3 things to understand if you want to get any of the 12 signs.
1. their element
2. their mode
3. their ruling planet
In traditional astrology, those 3 things are what make a sign, a sign. There’s some additional stuff, but that’s the foundations.
So the plan is to simply go through those 3 key things for the sign of Libra, and see if it fits with its reputation.
1. The Element
There are 4 elements in astrology: fire, earth, air and water.
An element describe the main energy, vibe, groove of a sign.
Libra is of the air element, meaning that its main groove is the mental world, the ideas, the thoughts, cognitive thinking, learning and sharing.
All that is Libra’s primary jam.
I’d like to note real quick that the air element, or the mental realm, is often seen as being logical and rational. Like, all air signs are oh so very rational.
Well, I'm sorry to say it, but that’s a lie. Take 5 seconds to catch your own stream of thoughts, or think about the last shit your babbled about with your friends, and tell me if any of this is rational.
No. The mental world is chaos!
Chaos, my friend. Sure it can later be organized, but at first it’s an abyss of chaos.
2. The mode
The mode tells us how a sign will express or manifest the energy of their element.
The mode of Libra is cardinal. That’s the mode of the signs who start a season, like Aries, Cancer and Capricorn.
Those signs have that quality of starting, of initiating, creating. They’re planting something new.
So now what?
Well now, you mix that.
Astrology is just like cooking. You toss in a big bowl a bunch of things, attributes, spices, you mix and bake it and tada.
That’s what’s cooking is about, right?
So Libra is an air and cardinal loaf of bread.
It’s thoughtful, curious, likes to share ideas. And when it does all this airy stuff, it naturally does it by initiating stuff.
Like starting new relations, new conversations, or bringing in new ideas.
The new relations thingy works well with Libra’s reputation as a social sign. Libras are said to be good hosts. They’re understanding and fun.
But the new ideas thing doesn’t fit well with the Libra stereotype. They’re supposed to not like to stick out. To go with what everyone else is thinking.
Okay, let’s just let that incoherence hang in the air for a bit, while we look at the last important fact to know about Libras: their ruling planet.
3. The Planet
Libras are so banana lucky. Their ruling planet is lovely Venus.
You know, there’s all this fuss about the Sun in astrology. But I think that Venus is the real king of your birth chart.
Anyways. Venus is about all the good stuff in life. Venus is pleasure, beauty, sweet things like perfume, cool shoes, a fancy hat…
Venus is about the arts, good food, good times, friendship, desire and love.
In the Orphic Hymns, some old poetry written for the planets and the stars, Venus is called “laughter-loving queen.” How cool is that?
So here I guess we can start to see where the stereotype of Libras come from. They’re kind of indecisive and would rather follow the flow because they want to keep the peace.
They’d rather everyone be merry, than say the truth and ruin the party.
So it’s not that Libras don’t know what they want, but they choose to not say it because for them it’s more important to have a good time, rather than to honestly express themselves.
Or to say it differently, the most sincere expression of Libra is being peace-makers.
They have this airy cardinal stuff going on, they can be very sharp and witty, but they’d rather us their verbose to make everyone laugh and relax.
Because they could very well say what they truly think or bring in some groundbreaking new ideas, but that doesn’t feel right, important or good for them.
Because Venus.
Venus just doesn’t care about debates and the Truth.
Or actually take that away.
Venus cares deeply about the Truth.
Venus kind of has this reputation of being lazy and all about pleasure and good times.
But let’s not forget the scales of Libra. Let’s not forget that Venus is also justice. Venus is peace.
And indeed, all the things that Venus stands for are only possible in times of peace. And usually because the war has been won, or a war is still going on but in a remote enough place that you don’t have to care about it.
Venus, in traditional astrology, since the times of dinosaurs, is a vision of paradise where all is peaceful, harmonious, just and beautiful.
Paradise not in the sense of humans frolicking around naked, having nothing to do except have fun until the end of times, but paradise in the sense of having reached the 'Truth' and being whole.
So in that sense, if Libra doesn’t speak their truth and seems to let everyone else stomp over them, it’s because Libra doesn’t believe that the kind of truth that they want to bring should be yelled around.
Libra has a way of affirming themselves, of speaking their airy nature, in more subtle and pleasant ways.
They don’t believe in bringing justice through violence, that’s Mars, or through rhetoric, that’s Mercury, but more through a shared understanding built on friendship.
Or through the arts. A picture is worth a thousand words, right?
There’s an eternal quality to the truth that Libras believe in. It’s kind of a lofty truth that can’t really be brought down to the level of everyday interactions with fellow humans.
Libra and People Pleasers
Also, about that people pleaser stereotype, isn’t that something too many of us suffer of anyway?
Isn’t that a bit too connected to our current culture and society?
Isn’t it a bit too present to be the privilege of Libras? Or is it just me as an introvert? Haha.
A Conclusion or Something
So, anyways, I find Libras kind of elusive.
They’re usually pretty creative, because Venus, the arts and beauty, and what they create often has a message, because of their air element.
They’re usually pretty friendly, because again, Venus. They’re good conversationalist, enjoy pleasant times (but who doesn’t?!).
But they have that too often forgotten edge to them with being a cardinal sign that can surprise you.
Oh, man, I feel like I’m just saying a bunch of platitudes. I wanted to end this with a punch. But I guess you can’t end something with a punch if there are Libras involved.
Haha. Sorry. I’m sorry for this stupid joke. Sorry Libras.
I guess Libra is one of those signs where it’s hard to talk about it without being super broad and general. You really need to look at an individual birth chart and see what’s happening in the sign of Libra to flesh out a personality.
So if you would like to get to know the sign of Libra in your birth chart.
Or really any of the signs, in a fun, non dogmatic way, like more using your imagination and experience to understand the signs and how they relate to who you are and to your life, you can book a reading with me.
Oh, and if you’re kind of shy or a lone-wolf, or if you don’t know if you’re really ready to book a reading, I’ve created a booklet.
It’s an introduction to how to read your birth chart by yourself.
It’s pretty thorough, I detail the planets, signs, houses and I give an example of a birth-chart reading. If you’re enjoyed this article, I’m sure you’ll like it.
Alright. Thanks for reading.
As a final gift, here's a little summary of the sign of Libra.

Cheers to all the Libras and I’ll be seeing you soon.
Jin the Wizard
thunder and coffee