Hi, hello,
How are you doing today?
If you're in the mod to learn about tarot and astrology, this is the perfect post for you, because I'm going to talk about the zodiac correspondences.
If you’re more interested in the correspondences with the planets, I’ve got an article on that right here.
The correspondences in the tarot are super interesting : )
They’re a way to match one card with one planet, zodiac sign or even element. They give more depth to a sign, especially if you’re already a bit familiar with astrology.
Here I’ll be focusing only on the Major Arcana and their zodiac sign correspondence.
Please note that the correspondences I’m using were invented by the secret magical society the Golden Dawn, but there exist other correspondences.
You could even make your own if you wanted to.
Before we dive in, in case you'd rather watch than read, I've got a video version of that post:
1. the Emperor is Aries
Our first zodiac sign is the cute little lamb. This is such an easy fit because both the Emperor and Aries have this forceful and authoritative energy.
Not authoritative in the sense entitled, all though this can happen too, but more in the sense they’ll go after what they want head-on, even if they’re afraid or if they have doubts.
They’ll just be themselves fully, unapologetically and follow their dreams.
There’s a lot of confidence and willingness. This card and sign is a big “yes, do it!”

2. the Hierophant is Taurus
This one is interesting, because the Hierophant is associated with knowledge and teachers. But Taurus is more about being grounded, rooted and enjoying the simple good things of life.
So it’s not that obvious fit like with the Emperor and Aries.
This correspondence suggests that the Hierophant’s wisdom and teachings are connected to concrete practices. That they must be embodied and demonstrated through actions.
It’s not only about learning the importance of kindness and preaching it, but actually being kind with the people around us, everyday.
3. the Lovers are Gemini
Duality is the common thread between those two. The idea of experiencing different things and staying open and flexible.
Both the Lovers and Gemini are about reflecting on the world outside of us and using all this experience to reflect on us. It’s how we’re able to feed our soul and keep growing by taking in new food from the world. / Okay, this sounds strange lol. /
The energy of Gemini can be a bit indecisive or superficial because it goes very fast. So this correspondence with the Lovers highlight how this card asks us to stick to a choice and stop trying to keep our options open.
4. the Chariot is Cancer
We can actually see that the Chariot has two crescents on their armor. They even have fancy zodiac belt with the sign of Cancer, and they’re all decorated with that starry night cloth.
The Chariot and Cancer are about change and movement where you have a bit of control over the flow of things, but they’re also just moving on their own.
Cancer is a sign connected to our emotions and their rapid pace, and how we can know where our emotions come from and influence them, but only to a certain extent. We’re not in truly fully control.
So both the Chariot and Cancer are about that, “I’m in the flow and I’m able to surf the wave, but at the same time the wave is taking me wherever it wants.”
5. Strength is Leo
A very sweet card for the King of the zodiac. I love the contrast with the bright, shiny, flashy reputation of Leo and the calm and collected style of the Strength card.
For me this correspondence is all about strength through softness.
Leo is the only sign ruled by the Sun, it’s the life affirming sign. So connecting it to Strength shows that its through this softness, this acceptance that we truly embody strength and growth.
We don’t live and blossom, the energy of the sun, through brutal force but through softness.

6. the Hermit is Virgo
Virgo often is a very organized, methodical and independent thinker. They won’t be swayed by their friends’ opinions or by some random fact given in the news.
They’ll look at the data and at different point of views. They’ll double check and then they’ll come to their own conclusion.
Both the Hermit and Virgo know the clarity that comes from pondering about something, whatever by yourself. They’re all about the importance of taking your time and going through things by yourself.
7. Justice is Libra
That’s an easy one because both Justice and Libra are symbolized by the scales. They’re about weighting in everyone’s opinion and deciding what is just.
The correspondence of Justice with Libra highlights that justice is never alone.
Libra has the reputation of being indecisive and a bit of a people pleaser. Likewise, justice can be biased and a bit too blurry.
Justice always exist in a context, in a given society and culture. The very human side of Libra reminds us that our justice must be fair and equitable.
8. Death is Scorpio
Scorpio reminds us that the meaning of this card is much more psychological or inner rather than outer. It seldom talks about a real death, but more about radical changes in us.
Scorpio is the sign of deep, buried and almost kind of edgy emotions. Scorpios have this reputation of liking to challenge and shock a bit people. They’re not afraid of exploring the taboo stuff.
Both Death and Scorpio reminds us that however uneasy it is, we need to go deep down in us and in the murky places of our society in order to change and grow.
9. Temperance is Sagittarius
There’s an openness, a sense of faith and optimism with the card and the sign. They’re both about going with the flow of things, of following our dreams and exploring the world.
Temperance and Sagittarius are about discovering new things, taking in new knowledge, in order to become wiser and better people. They’re about wholeness and balance.
But they both must be careful to not get too carried away in lofty ideal. Like traveling across the world with the goal of opening yourself, but not actually really taking things in.

10. the Devil is Capricorn
It’s funny because I feel that people are kind of mean with Capricorns. Like, this is a card people generally don’t like, for obvious reasons, and of course it’s little Capricorn who gets that correspondence.
But I guess I see where the Golden Dawn was going with that.
The Devil is often connected to excess and even addictions, and in that sense it’s a call to set strong boundaries in your life. And Capricorn is the perfect friend to call if you want some boundaries.
Capricorn is organization and structures. Capricorn is willing to work hard to reach big long term goals.
So the Devil and Capricorn really complement themselves nicely.
11. the Star is Aquarius
Aquarius is actually pretty rigid and organized like Capricorn, because they’re both ruled by big old Saturn. But being associated with the Star, it’s really the hopeful and forward-looking side of Aquarius that’s highlighted.
The correspondence of the Star with Aquarius shows how this card is a wish for the future and the belief that things will get brighter, eventually.
12. the Moon is Pisces
Finally our last correspondence is a trick one because the Moon card isn’t associated with the planet the moon, but with Pisces.
The Moon card usually talks about our inner guidance, and how when everything outside of us is unclear, we can just move very slowly be trusting our own gut.
So it’s really this idea of lunar energy, of mystery, intuition, dreams and omens.
Which actually describes well Pisces. Pisces is a water sign, so connected to their emotions and inner world, and they’re ruled by Jupiter or Neptune, so there’s that grandiose, sensing quality to them.
They’re the romantic, poet visionary in a way.
Sorry, I’m caricaturing a bit because I know a lot of Pisces are not this dreamy and soft stereotype, hohoho.
We can see how the correspondences either reinforce the meaning of the card, like with the Emperor and Aries where it’s a perfect match, or they either highlight a particular quality of the card, like with the Chariot and Cancer.
So what do you think of the correspondences? Do they make sense for you?
Personally, I’d do things a bit differently ; )
The correspondences are also fun if you want to explore your birth chart but by using the tarot. I’ll be doing a video to explain how to do that.
Or you can also book a tarot birth chart reading with me. It’s a really fun way to discover your birth chart and get more intimate with the tarot as certain cards will represent concrete parts of your life and self.
As a parting gift here's a little summary of the correspondences ♪

Alright, stay wise and enjoy pulling tarot cards.
Jin the Wizard
thunder and coffee